The Ancestral Plate

After what felt like a lifetime of meaningless work in digital project management and marketing, I realised I needed a break from the harsh digital “reality” and started this new project. I needed to recenter on things that bring me joy, as Marie Kondo would put it. Writing and photography are these things. Being a creative allows me to indulge in new dimensions while being fully in the present moment.

Born from a profound love of nature and traditions, the Ancestral Plate is more than a writing and photography project. It is a tapestry of moments, woven together to paint a picture of the past and present. With this blog, I seek to evoke the serene lifestyle of a romantic home maker, whose only intention is to create peaceful moments.

This vision which fills me with joy, I would like to share it with you, through writing and photography.

Thank you for being with me on this journey.